"Heart of Aper_Runia"

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Stay Cool and Stay Humble... I'll be what I believe :O


Aper_Runia Love Power Day's 29 : It's All Ends?!

Aku berlindung dari godaan syetan yang terkutuk...
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang...

This is the last day of the posting of love that started from the beginning of February this yeas. But this is not the last day - and will never be the last - to sustain love. AperRunia love power will never die! It will shine beautifully in the middle of a darkt night full ofrottenness. It also will fly high in the sky high expextations an goals to beat the everimagined before.

AperRunia love power will always be beautiful in bloom and engraved in the heart ofinsuited that err and sin, only that which can make a living because it is a source of energy in the cup of happiness embracing both globally and in the world out there...

Pintu Masuk Bungurasih

Tunjungan Plaza
Royal Plaza

My Best Pal In This World
Rekan - rekan SKI SMA

Tugu Pahlawan
Mom's Of AperRunia

Pap's Of AperRunia

Brother's Of AperRunia
Grand City, Surabaya

Source Of AperRunia Love Power
My Lovely Wife
My "M"
>>> Will You Be There - Michael Jackson

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